General terms and conditions for orders and deliveries of the company FRÜTEC - technical supply GmbH



We believe that successful cooperation is founded on mutual respect, fairness, and trust. Below, you will find our General Terms and Conditions (GTCs), which are designed to foster a partnership with our customers and suppliers. Our goal is to collaborate constructively to achieve the best possible results for all parties involved, avoiding disputes and providing optimal support to our customers.


Our company is dedicated to upholding human rights as fundamental and inalienable values that underpin our business activities.


We prioritize the highest quality standards to ensure that we offer products of exceptional quality.


The safety and well-being of our employees is our top priority. To this end, we implement and continually enhance stringent occupational safety measures.


We are committed to fostering a diverse and inclusive working environment to promote equality and inclusiveness.


Environmental protection is a core value for us. We advocate for sustainable practices and integrate environmentally friendly measures into all our business processes.


We actively combat all forms of corruption and are steadfast in our commitment to integrity and ethical behavior.


Transparency is essential to us. We strive to maintain open and honest communication with our customers, suppliers, and employees.


Our customers are at the heart of everything we do. We are dedicated to providing excellent customer service and focusing on their needs.


We take our social and environmental responsibilities seriously, working in an eco-friendly manner while promoting and protecting human rights.


We are committed to maintaining peace and stability and reserve the right to refuse business with any parties involved in conflict.


These principles are the foundation of our business activities and are integral to our General Terms and Conditions, which are crafted to ensure transparent and trusting cooperation.


General terms and conditions for orders and deliveries of the company FRÜTEC - technical supply GmbH
General Terms FRUETEC 2025.pdf
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